Sierra Molecular’s AssayAssure® products stabilize human and bacterial cells, viruses, and intracellular targets over extended time periods without freezing or refrigeration. AssayAssure® was designed to inhibit the action of a series of 31 enzyme families known to degrade nucleic acids. Our preservatives negate the effects of nucleases and neutralize substances which inhibit amplification within the samples matrix. This enables extraction and replication of labile RNA and DNA, even in samples with an extremely low-prevalence of target analyte and in highly inhibitory sample matrices.
AssayAssure® products not only eliminate the expense, logistical challenges, and workflow constraints associated with labile ex vivo samples, these stabilization tools actually improve the sensitivity and specificity of assays. They are effective for a comprehensive variety of target analytes, sample matrices, and molecular platforms.
The patented stabilization chemistries in each AssayAssure® collection and transport system offer exceptional bacteriostasis and cell viability, so the devices are compatible with culture techniques as well as molecular assays.
All AssayAssure products are for Research Use Only. These products are not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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Important performance features of AssayAssure® technology include:
- Protection of targets from thermal and biological damage
- Elimination of the need for freezing or refrigeration of samples, eliminating sample degradation caused by the mechanics of freeze-thaw and making transportation and storage simple, economical, and reliable
- Preservation of bacterial viability over significant periods of time
- Significant bacteriostasis
- Neutralization of RNAases and DNAases
- Suppression of a broad range of PCR amplification inhibitors
- Non-precipitation of target analytes and stabilization of entire sample matrix, increasing the reliability of downstream specimen processing
- Fully compatible with all standard RNA and DNA isolation kits, requiring no additional preanalytic procedures prior to nucleic acid extraction
- Non-elevation of the centrifugal forces necessary to pellet material, which can damage or destroy cells of interest
- Compatibility with flow cytometry for cellular subset studies